
As a parent:

  • Are you worried about your teen’s emotional stability?

  • Does your teen seem stressed out, confused, closed-up, or depressed?

  • Are you concerned about the possibility that your teen might be struggling with friendship issues, high school drama, dating, gender identity, or sexual orientation?

  • Did you accidentally find out that your precious teen has been cutting and hurting herself/himself?

I am here to help.

I incorporate various therapeutic methods to help your teens or pre-teens cope during this challenging stage of their lives. Whether your teen is willing to talk or not, I have effective ways of communicating with them using their unique language. Depending on their needs and their personal styles, I can give them tangible tools to identify their concerns, thoughts, and consequent emotions, or use play therapy and art therapy to facilitate expression and healing.

These are the major areas where I can bring significant change for teens and their families:

  • Anxiety, stress, and depression

  • Anger management

  • Social anxiety, relationship and dating issues, and other social challenges

  • Learning difficulties and time management

  • Transitions and adjustments

  • Help to cope with parents’ divorce, family issues, and conflict

  • Career exploration and career counseling

  • Communication skills

  • Gender and sexual orientation identities

  • Self-doubt, self-esteem, and self-image issues

  • Self-harming behaviors, including cutting, and suicidal thoughts



  • 你是否擔心家中的大小孩情緒起伏太大了?

  • 感覺他們似乎被壓力壓得喘不過氣、對人生與自己都產生困惑、自我封閉且不愛與人交談,或者顯得相當沮喪憂鬱嗎?

  • 你是否注意到孩子可能有感情問題、跟同學老師吵架、跟家人水火不容、對未來很徬徨、對生涯規劃很迷惑、或者有性別認同或性取向認同上的困惑與掙扎?

  • 你是否偶然發現自家的寶貝有自殘與自我傷害的行為,偷偷把自己的手臂及大腿割出烤肉架般的傷痕?






  • 你是否担心家中的大小孩情绪起伏太大了?

  • 感觉他们似乎被压力压得喘不过气、对人生与自己都产生困惑、自我封闭且不爱与人交谈,或者显得相当沮丧忧郁吗?

  • 你是否注意到孩子可能有感情问题、跟同学老师吵架、跟家人水火不容、对未来很彷徨、对生涯规划很迷惑、或者有性别认同或性取向认同上的困惑与挣扎?

  • 你是否偶然发现您的宝贝有自残与自我伤害的行为,偷偷把自己的手臂及大腿割出烤肉架般的伤痕?





Teen therapy


Teenage years tend to be one of the most challenging stages in many of our lives. According to the well-known developmental psychologist, Erik Erikson, the crisis teenagers face is role confusion, and the task in this stage is to form a healthy healthy sense of self, i.e., identity. Teenagers would try to find their “adult role“ through interaction with others, taking risks, exploring their own and their parent’s limits and etc. This is the reason why teens care much about how others’ view them, since they are trying to figure out who they are. Imagine how anxiety provoking it is if you don’t really know who you are! Not to mention that they are also dealing with demanding school work, raging hormones, the longing for romance, and sexual impulses. How challenging is that?

I am here to provide them with a safe, supportive, and confidential environment to release all their worries, doubts, anger, and heartbreaks. We together will transform this challenging stage into a solid foundation for them to thrive as an adult.


青春期往往是我們生命中最具挑戰性的階段之一。根據著名的發展心理學家艾瑞克森(Erik Erikson)的著名學說,青春期階段所要面對的共同危機是對自己角色的困惑與混淆,而這個階段的任務是要能形塑出健康的自我意識與身份認同。






青春期往往是我们生命中最具挑战性的阶段之一。根据著名的发展心理学家艾瑞克森(Erik Erikson)的著名学说,青春期阶段所要面对的共同危机是对自己角色的困惑与混淆,而这个阶段的任务是要能形塑出健康的自我意识与身份认同。





