Anxiety Therapy

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…. Stress and Anxiety Therapy in the Bay Area
& Online for California State Residents

Do any of the following resonate with you?

  • You believe that you will fall hard if you stop pushing yourself.

  • You secretly feel that you are not good enough.

  • You hold yourself up to high standards. Once you achieve your goals, you move the next finish line further away.

  • You feel very self-conscious when you are the center of attention.

  • You have panic attacks, and feel as if you are dying.

  • You recently took on a new role, and you find it difficult to balance it with everything else.

  • Your immigrant parents love to remind you of your weaknesses, and this haunts you with self-doubt and insecurity.

The truth is, some degree of anxiety, helps us stay motivated, and obtain our goals. However, living in today’s fast-paced and modern world, we are constantly challenged with new goals, higher expectations, and countless competition.

What’s worse, is that in many  Asian and immigrant cultures, we constantly thinking about the what-ifs. Worst case scenarios are actually encouraged and reinforced to become our reality. Growing up, your parents may held the belief that they needed to remind you of the worst, in order to protect you.

This set of beliefs may have worked well for first-generation immigrants, but unfortunately, this usually causes extra, psychological burdens for their children, including adult children.  The result is that you grew up in an atmosphere that made you feel insecure, constantly threatened, and inadequate.



  • 你認為若停止批判自己,總有一天會跌得很慘。

  • 你總覺得自己不夠好,不論別人怎麼稱讚你的各種成就。

  • 你自我要求很高。一旦實現了目標,就會立刻再訂下更艱鉅的目標。

  • 當你是眾人的焦點時,你會感到非常的不自在,例如: 公開演講、你的慶生/慶功會等等。

  • 你有恐慌症發作的紀錄,當下感覺自己吸不到氧氣,好像快死掉一樣。

  • 你最近開始扮演一些新的角色,像是妻子、父親、新的工作職稱等,而你因此感到有點失衡迷惘。

  • 你的父母總愛提醒你的缺點,讓你總是被自我懷疑與不安全感包圍綑綁。






  • 你认为若停止批判自己,总有一天会跌得很惨。

  • 你总觉得自己不够好,不论别人怎么称赞你的各种成就。

  • 你自我要求很高。一旦实现了目标,就会立刻再订下更艰巨的目标。

  • 当你是众人的焦点时,你会感到非常的不自在,例如: 公开演讲、你的庆生/庆功会等等。

  • 你有恐慌症发作的纪录,当下感觉自己吸不到氧气,好像快死掉一样。

  • 你最近开始扮演一些新的角色,像是妻子、父亲、新的工作职称等,而你因此感到有点失衡迷惘。

  • 你的父母总爱提醒你的缺点,让你总是被自我怀疑与不安全感包围捆绑。




…. Here are some common signs of anxiety:

●  Excessive worry and fears

●  Restlessness

●  Agitation, irritation, or anger

●  Difficulty concentrating

●  Fatigue

●  Muscle tension

●  Sleep disturbance

●  Panic attacks

●  Avoiding social situations

●  Change in eating habits

You may try to help yourself by using recreational drugs, spending too much time on social media, playing video games, drinking, binge-watching Netflix, or constantly taking days off from work to avoid your stress.

However, these methods only provide temporary relief. They will only add to your stress and worsen the situation in the long run.

The good news is that things don’t have to be this bad–and things certainly don’t have to get worse.

You can reclaim your freedom and peace of mind now.

I am a university professor and an experienced counselor, and I am here to help.



  • 過度擔憂和擔憂

  • 不安

  • 激動,刺激或憤怒

  • 難以集中註意力

  • 疲勞

  • 肌肉緊張

  • 睡眠障礙

  • 驚恐發作

  • 避免社交場合

  • 改變飲食習慣





  • 过度担忧和担忧

  • 不安

  • 激动

  • 刺激或愤怒

  • 难以集中注意力

  • 疲劳

  • 肌肉紧张

  • 睡眠障碍

  • 惊恐发作

  • 避免社交场合

  • 改变饮食习惯


但是,这些方法只能暂时缓解。从长远来看,它们只会增加你的压力并使情况恶化。 好消息是事情不一定是坏事 - 事情当然不会变得更糟。 你现在可以重新获得自由和安宁。….

…. My top priority when working with you, in getting rid of the anxiety, is first and foremost symptom reduction. Let’s get the immediate struggles out of the way efficiently, so that you will finally feel calm again.

I incorporate multicultural awareness to really understand your unique experience, whether you are a newcomer to the U.S., or one or both of your parents are immigrants who have created a different cultural experience for you, in comparison to your peers. I am here to provide a safe and supportive space for you to share your worries, and to explore your deepest and scariest thoughts. I can contain your emotions, regardless of how intense they may be.

I start with a powerful research-supported framework called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Then, I incorporate mindfulness relaxation techniques and DBT or dialectical behavioral therapy skills, and custom-tailored these to meet your individual needs.

How you view things determines how you feel about things. Just like an autopilot system, it spontaneously leads your mind to a certain direction, before you are aware of it. It is usually your early life experiences and what your parents have installed in you that program your unique autopilot system.

I will partner with you to take a closer look at your thinking and behavioral patterns. These patterns, or your autopilot system, will include the worst case scenarios you have been replaying over and over again in your mind and the scary what-if questions, too

Identifying these thoughts will help you to realize whether your anxiety is proportionate to the stressors. If you don’t act on your autopilot system, chances are you will get instant relief and feel much more centered and peaceful.



我以多元文化的角度出發,去真正了解屬於你個人獨特的個別經驗,無論你是剛來到美國、是來了好幾年的一代移民、還是你1.5 或二代移民的子女。我提供一個安全和支持性的空間,讓你分享心裡的困擾、並探索最深刻和最痛苦的經驗。我可以無條件且不帶評斷地去陪伴你的情緒,無論它們有多強烈。

我主要使用的理論架構是認知行為療法(CBT),這學派擁有長期且廣泛的研究支持,實證研究證明不管對任何文化特質的民眾都是極度具有療效的,並且結合正念放鬆技巧和辯證是行為治療技能 (DBT),量身打造出一套最適合你個別狀況的療癒方案。






我以多元文化的角度出发,去真正了解属于你个人独特的个别经验,无论你是刚来到美国、是来了好几年的一代移民、还是你1.5 或二代移民的子女。我提供一个安全和支持性的空间,让你分享心里的困扰、并探索最深刻和最痛苦的经验。我可以无条件且不带评断地去陪伴你的情绪,无论它们有多强烈。






…. I also have a variety of practical problem-solving skills and relaxation techniques to share with you. We can practice these together and you will get to pick the ones that work best to bring home with you.

Combining CBT, DBT, and mindfulness techniques is the golden formula for treating anxiety. They dominate the modern psychotherapy field with strong research results proving their effectiveness. The treatment is short-term, and the majority of people experience significant symptom reduction within 20 sessions or less.

With the support of my solid professional training and 20 years of clinical experience, most of my clients show dramatic improvement sooner than the average 20 sessions. Working with me not only helps you to transform, but in a very effective fashion, this process will eventually save you time, energy, and will prove to be a valuable financial investment.

Here are the results you can expect from working with me:

  1. The autopilot system which has been driving you toward anxiety will be thrown out the window.

  2. You will be able to increase your awareness, have various tangible tools to cope, and take back control of your life.

You can reclaim your freedom and your peace of mind, and say goodbye to anxiety.

You can finally feel calm again.
















