….Romantic Relationship Issues

  • You are trapped in the same patterns, regardless of who you date.

  • You take care of others with the hope that they will reciprocate this. They end up taking you for granted and treat you like a doormat.

  • You just went through a breakup. You would like closure with this relationship.

  • You want to be ready to welcome a new relationship. You have hopes of finding someone who is a much better match with you this time around.

  • You are single and want to be in a relationship.

  • You feel lonely and you want to connect with people.

  • You are thinking about one of the following: moving in together, breaking up, getting engaged or married, or divorcing your partner. And you are finding it difficult to commit to any of these decisions.

Family of Origin Issues / Inter-generational Trauma

  • You are in a love-hate relationship with your parents.

  • Your parents have been giving you a lot of pressure since childhood, and being an adult doesn’t seem to change this.

  • It makes you anxious when you think about spending time with or talking to your parents.

  • What your parents taught you as a child, is now getting in the way of how you parent your own children.

  • You’ve experienced emotional and physical trauma from your interactions with your parents. (I do not address sexual trauma, as I prefer to work with sexual abuse survivors within agencies, and not in my private practice for safety reasons.)

Through the therapy process, you can expect to learn effective communication skills and how to regulate and manage your emotions. Your opportunities to explore and heal past wounds will begin to change your current relationships. Therapy will help you learn to create positive ways to bond and connect with your significant others. These new ways will nourish both parties involved.

Are you ready to get started?




  • 無論與誰約會交往,你都被困在很類似的模式中。

  • 你對朋友們很好,原本認為只要你對他們好,朋友們也會很關心照顧你。事實證明,他們把你的一切付出認為是理所當然的,並常忽略無視你的需要。

  • 你分手不久,想要好好檢視過去的這一段,並迎接更好的下段關係。

  • 你單身,想要找對象卻不知從何開始,有許多自我懷疑並感覺迷惘。

  • 你感到孤獨,想要與人連結。

  • 感情走到一個階段,您在考慮是否要嘗試同居、結婚、分手、或離婚,不知如何抉擇。


  • 你對父母愛恨交織,嗯…雖然後者可能多蠻多的…。

  • 你的父母從小就給你很大的壓力,即使已經成年了他們還是像以前那樣對待壓迫你。

  • 在與父母相處或交談時,您會感到憤怒、焦慮甚至恐慌。

  • 您的童年創傷現在正在阻礙您和您孩子之間的關係。

  • 兒童時期父母造成的情緒和身體創傷陰影。 (不包括性創傷,因為我只在醫院與機構內治療性暴力倖存者,基於彼此的安全原則,我不在自己的私人線上診所對性暴力倖存者提供心理治療。)





  • 无论与谁约会交往,你都被困在很类似的模式中。

  • 你对朋友们很好,原本认为只要你对他们好,朋友们也会很关心照顾你。事实证明,他们把你的一切付出认为是理所当然的,并常忽略无视你的需要。

  • 你分手不久,想要好好检视过去的这一段,并迎接更好的下段关系。

  • 你单身,想要找对象却不知从何开始,有许多自我怀疑并感觉迷惘。

  • 你感到孤独,想要与人连结。

  • 感情走到一个阶段,您在考虑是否要尝试同居、结婚、分手、或离婚,不知如何抉择。


  • 你对父母爱恨交织,嗯…虽然后者可能多蛮多的…。

  • 你的父母从小就给你很大的压力,即使已经成年了他们还是像以前那样对待压迫你。

  • 在与父母相处或交谈时,您会感到愤怒、焦虑甚至恐慌。

  • 您的童年创伤现在正在阻碍您和您孩子之间的关系。

  • 儿童时期父母造成的情绪和身体创伤阴影。 (不包括性创伤,因为我只在医院与机构内治疗性暴力幸存者,基于彼此的安全原则,我不在自己的私人线上诊所对性暴力幸存者提供心理治疗。)

